2012年5月24日 星期四


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a division of medicobiological science that studies the phenomena of aging in living organisms, including man. The subdivisions of gerontology are geriatrics (the study of the diseases of the senescent organism), geriatric hygienics (the study of the hygiene of the elderly), and gerontological psychology.
The study of gerontology was developed with the essential changes in man’s life expectancy. In Europe, for example, the average life expectancy was 38.7 years in 1890 but approximately 70 years in 1970. In the USSR, the period 1917-70 showed an increase from 32 to 71 years in average life expectancy. This increase is primarily a reflection of the decreased incidence of death from infectious disease and the reduction of the rate of infant mortality.

A number of theories of aging have been advanced since the beginning of the 20th century.

